Journal — press
Write-Up | Blue in Green Blog Jan. 2020

Write-Up | Sportswear International Oct. 2019

Write-Up | MR Magazine Aug. 2019
Christopher Blomquist dives into what's new and innovative in the world of denim for MR Magazine, and gets into how Glenn's is new on the scene, yet doing things very much the old-school way.
Write-up: Heddels | July 2019
Gerald Ortiz recently paid Glenn, Daniel and Brenna a visit to learn more about the backstory, inspiration, and goals of the Glenn's team. We're humbled and appreciative for this in-depth brand profile!
Write-up: Heddels | Oct. 2018
We're very flattered to have our first write-up on Heddels. Thanks for your support Will Varnam and the Heddels team!